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Top Photo Ad
This ad (800px by 100px) is displayed at the top
of all pages and must be photogenic in nature. This type ad gets the
most amount of exposure. Some ads are not accepted for this
Statistics with ad views / ad clicks emailed
Over 300,000 page views per month
Free ad design with photography.
$200 per month with a year
contract, paid quarterly. $2000 paid annually.
Call 270-789-4107 or
Email us for more info.
Top Right Ad
This ad (300px by 250px) is displayed at the top
right of all pages. This ad is highly visible and can be animated.
These ads can be displayed on our other sites.
Statistics with ad views / ad clicks emailed
Over 300,000 page views per month.
Free ad design.
$125 per month with a year
contract. $1200 paid annually.
3 month minimum.
Call 270-789-4107 or
Email us for more info.